Jan Benda, psychologist and therapist

Psychotherapy, courses and workshops

I help people live a happy and content life, discover and use their potential, find meaning, find wisdom and humor, stay on top of things. I accompany my clients on a journey of self-knowledge. Through crises and pitfalls towards finding love and compassion with themselves and with others. Join me on this journey, on which to walk means to live. Let’s breathe and spread out the wings. The route does exist. And I’m at your service.
Jan Benda - psychoterapie v Ústí nad Labem
Jan Benda, psychologist and therapist

Psychotherapy, courses and workshops

I help people live a happy and content life, discover and use their potential, find meaning, find wisdom and humor, stay on top of things. I accompany my clients on a journey of self-knowledge. Through crises and pitfalls towards finding love and compassion with themselves and with others. Join me on this journey, on which to walk means to live. Let’s breathe and spread out the wings. The route does exist. And I’m at your service.
Jan Benda - psychoterapie v Ústí nad Labem
Jan Benda in Media:
Jan Benda, psychologist and therapist

Psychotherapy, courses and workshops

I help people live a happy and content life, discover and use their potential, find meaning, find wisdom and humor, stay on top of things. I accompany my clients on a journey of self-knowledge. Through crises and pitfalls towards finding love and compassion with themselves and with others. Join me on this journey, on which to walk means to live. Let’s breathe and spread out the wings. The route does exist. And I’m at your service.

Jan Benda - psychoterapie v Ústí nad Labem

Jan Benda in Media

Are you looking for help from a psychologist or a psychotherapist?

Working hours: Mon, Wed, Fri from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
In a safe environment, I offer my clients support and understanding during difficult life situations. A space for self-knowledge and for the discovery of new possibilities. Help dealing with relationship problems or coping with traumatic events. (Re)discovering feelings of joy, hope and meaning in life through depression and mid-life crises. Helping people through difficulties in their spiritual lives.
I focus particularly on coping with:
V psychoterapii znovu nalézáme ztracené části naší duše

The warriors' way offers a man a new life and that life has to be completely new. He can't bring to that new life his ugly old ways.

Don Juan Matus

Corporate workshops

I prepare and run corporate workshops focused on soft-skills, mainly emotional intelligence, assertiveness, communication, teamwork, conflict resolution, mindfulness, and stress management.
As a lecturer, I collaborate with agencies První česká vzdělávací, ATAP, Odyssey a Agender. At present, I recommend you the Mindful Leadership Program. My trainer’s profile (including references) can be found here.
I specialize in:
Sebepoznávání je velké dobrodružství, ať již v psychoterapii nebo na kurzech

A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges.

Don Juan Matus
For inspiration

Videos and Jan Benda's YouTube channel

Inspirational YouTube channel about mindfulness, compassion, meditation, and psychotherapy. View interesting presentations, invitations, reviews, and interviews.

Jak funguje psychoterapie podle neurovědy

Poselství emocí: Vyslyšená a nevyslyšená

Jak nebýt osvícený mimoň

Publications and materials for download

Magazine articles, papers and presentations about mindfulness, compassion, meditation, and psychotherapy for professionals as well as lay readers

Popular articles

Magazine articles for the
public readers

Systematic reviews

Papers summarizing research findings on interesting topics

Scientific publications

Papers for scientists, researchers & psychologists


Tips on interesting books and reports on conferences