
I help people live a happy and content life, discover and use their potential, find meaning, find wisdom and humor, stay on top of things. I accompany my clients on a journey of self-knowledge. Through crises and pitfalls towards finding love and compassion with themselves and with others.

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I help people live a happy and content life, discover and use their potential, find meaning, find wisdom and humor, stay on top of things. I accompany my clients on a journey of self-knowledge. Through crises and pitfalls towards finding love and compassion with themselves and with others.

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What I offer &
specialty areas

Working hours: Mon, Wed, Fri from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
In a safe environment, I offer my clients support and understanding during difficult life situations. A space for self-knowledge and for the discovery of new possibilities. Help dealing with relationship problems or coping with traumatic events. (Re)discovering feelings of joy, hope and meaning in life through depression and mid-life crises. Helping people through difficulties in their spiritual lives.
I focus particularly on coping with:
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What happens in a first therapy session?

1. Setting goals

Before the actual therapy (or any other cooperation) begins, we will discuss and clarify what expectations you have and whether I am able to offer you what you need. In the first meeting, we’ll discuss the reasons you are seeking my help, but also what you want to achieve by our potential cooperation and what our common goal should be.

2. Preliminary agreement

As soon as we’ve clarified your needs (and that I am able to offer the specific help you want), we can roughly agree on how much time you want to devote to working on the issue(s) we’ve identified and how often consultations should be held. The typical frequency of sessions is about three times a month. However, it is possible to arrange it completely individually.

3. The course of therapy

2-3 sessions are usually enough for an acute crisis intervention. In case of psychotherapy, I usually agree with clients on 5 or at most 10 sessions in the beginning (this can be changed at any time). As soon as they expire, we than evaluate together whether the consultations are beneficial, whether we have achieved the agreed goal, or whether we shall terminate the therapy or to continue with, for example, another 10 meetings.

My office

What is the difference between a psychologist, a psychiatrist, and a psychotherapist?

A Psychiatrist

is a physician. He or she treats brain diseases manifesting in the thinking, emotions, perception, and behavior of patients. A psychiatrist tries to influence the patent´s mental state through the body, therefore they most often prescribe medications.

A Psychologist

helps by psychological means. He or she goes through your problems with you and together you seek a solution. If the psychologist is not also a psychotherapist, he or she usually works as a consultant, e.g., gives recommendations. Because his/her most important tool is an interview, a psychologist usually gives you more time than a psychiatrist.

A Psychotherapist

uses other methods in addition to an interview. The purpose of which is to help clients cope better with life situations and their own experiences. Nevertheless, he or she doesn't rely solely on rational understanding of problems. Psychotherapist also provides the client with a new corrective emotional experience. After therapeutic intervention, clients begin to feel differently and are able to cope with life’s challenges more skillfully and more easily.

Price list

Psychotherapy in English
CZK 1500
Personal consultation lasting for 50 minutes
CZK 1500
Answering a question via the internet - approx. 1 standard page of text
CZK 2500

Book an appointment

If you’re interested in booking an initial appointment, please fill out the following form. You will
receive a proposal of available dates within 48 hours via SMS. Appointments will usually become
available within 4-6 weeks.


Working hours:

Mon, Wed, Fri from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

Social networks

Book an appointment

Book an appointment

If you’re interested in booking an initial appointment, please fill out the following form. You will receive a proposal of available dates within 48 hours via SMS. Appointments will usually become available within 4-6 weeks.
Working hours:

Mon, Wed, Fri from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

Social networks

Book an appointment

Where to find me

Prokopa Diviše 9,
400 01 Ústí nad Labem

My office is situated in the centre of Ústí nad Labem, approximately 20m from the Hraničář cinema.The building is on the corner of Masarykova Street. There is a Piknik café on the ground floor of the building. The office is situated in the attic on the 3rd floor.