Jan Benda, psychologist and therapist
The values I carry in life are honesty, integrity, solidarity, compassion and freedom. A psychologist, therapist, trainer, coach. Benda * 1974. Ego? Certainly. Controlled folly? Maybe.
I have lived and worked in Florida, and as a monk in the Sri Lankan jungle. I’ve sat with the dying people and held their hands through their tears and reconciliations. I’ve experienced the suffering of others and experienced my own. It gave me power and humillity. Indeed, humility above all, I would say. Nowadays, I work for companies, managers, leaders, patients and seekers. I enjoy it. I am here, at your service.

Jan Benda, psychologist and therapist

- 1994
study of clinical psychology at Charles University in Prague
- 1997
- 2000
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2008
- 2012
- 2013
- 2016
- 2018
- 2018
- 2019
- 2021
There is no past or future in the universe... In the universe there is only energy, and... an endless and ever-present here and now.
Don Juan Matus
For inspiration
Videos and Jana Benda's YouTube channel
Inspirational YouTube channel about mindfulness, compassion, meditation and psychotherapy. View interesting presentations, invitations, reviews and interviews.
Jak funguje psychoterapie podle neurovědy
Poselství emocí: Vyslyšená a nevyslyšená
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Mindful Leadership